sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Doctor Who Theatrical Fan Trailer

05:04:00 0
This video use a personalized Doctor Who Voice because the footage has too many background noise. So I had the Idea to invite the best voiceover from freesound.org, to be a kinda very far future Doctor, and he's talking about him and part of well known past (that's why I used old film FX's). Please let me know your impressions for this voice (for me it's just freakin amazing).

Doctor Quotes: "Do you know? The Earth revolving? It's like when you're a kid. The first time they tell you that the world's turning and you just can't quite believe it because everything looks like it's standing still. I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour. And the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me. Clinging to the skin of this tiny little world and if we let go... That's who I am." From Rose Episode.

This one I created myself to personalize and complete the Doctor Statment - "Just "the Doctor," always "the Doctor." The Doctor is a legend woven throughout history. When disaster comes, I am there. I am the storm, the Fire, healer and you. You're fantastic."

There's no intention of creating any arc between the characters. So while is not yet revealed to the public knowledge of what will be revealed/or not about Rose Tyler and/or Clare Oswin. This just is a promo video with the best actors and characters in the series Doctor Who even wanted to highlight the importance and relevance of those characters, and my favourites quotes and those that make more sense to me in this new Doctor was "reborn" in the hands of RTD and apparently will die at the hands of Steven Moffat (don't want to be critical).

It seems that in the last episode there was a clear and full revelation of the secret of the Doctor. Reports that the Comic Con Doctor Who trailer has shown that the Doctor, returns to the Time War(to change!!!!!), the doctor said to Clara that his name is not his real secret but who he is. The Doctor reveals within his time line there is a Doctor that was never shown and this is the rumour that is the renegade Doctor who killed Time Lords and his enemies.

VoiceOver by Speedenza (many thanks for the new Doctor Voice) - freesound.org/people/Speedenza/
Speedenza worked on this award wining I've made last year called Dreamness (CGI, Fx's) - youtube.com/embed/tR-IeezEtqU?html5=1&autoplay=1&vq=hd1080
Part of the footage belongs to BBC - no infringements is intended (this video is not generating personal fees)

Preset, editing composition intro, lettering and special FX by me.

Music by Epic Soul Factory Extinction v2

quarta-feira, 13 de abril de 2016

Victorian Charm

13:10:00 0
Em 2010, a Shenkar Engineering. Design. Art. ( departamento de engenharia de software ) se juntou à Pooky Amsterdam e SpyVspy Æon(eu) para uma produção machinima comemorando os 5 vestidos estilo vitorianos requintados(vídeo requisitado pelos finalistas(graduados na altura) que desenharam / recriaram os vestidos em 3D no Second Life), ricos em detalhes, referencias ao período e o seu esplendor.

Para combinar uma equipe em sintonia, resultou este trabalho final, excelência. \ "Este projeto traz uma nova e excelente forma de ver os vestidos da época no Rose Archive , bem como a criação de uma nova experiência de colaboração entre engenheiros de software e projetos de design. \ " Shenkar é um instituto de ensino superior e, como todas as universidades públicas em Israel, é supervisionado e financiado pelo Conselho de Israel para o Ensino Superior.
Nota de referencia que a equipa de produção e realização do vídeo: É importante enfatizar os parabéns aos finalistas. (isto foi em 2010).

sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2016

Sounds Gravis Beach - Machinima

06:11:00 0
Das minhas aventuras em produção Mídia. Fui abordado faz já uns 2 anos pela "Sound Gravis Beach" para realização de um video promo da sua casa de entretenimento no Second Life. Não sei se o clube ainda existe essa casa, mas fica aqui como recordação dos meus trabalhos em Machinima.

De notar que depois da produção video além dos "honorários" fiquei fan da "disco" onde cada um poderia transportar o seu avatar e passar um bom momento, tc com os amigos e a ouvir músicas de vários Dj's. 


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