sábado, 11 de abril de 2015

Abstract Matter

"So suddenly without understanding the Universe, I had presumed upon Nature and I felt my essence melting, dwindling, becoming NOTHING, therefore a part of the Universe and there comes the acceptance to all this vast magic of creation, from the "Architect" to it fraction of a billion, of a billion, of a billion of smallest acknowledgement. It had to mean something, yes it meant something" I hope you enjoy, Hug of the size of the universe :)

"What we do here?". In the vastness of the universe, the Big Bang to the evolution of the Human Brain (intelligence, important to us, but as I presume, not the biggest creation of the Universe, If you know what I mean), the elemental gods (not wanting to represent any particular, but a representation of supreme entities that draw the Universe, indifferent to Human being, as a part of our imagination. ... Although it's all a metaphor this poem/prose lead us to "SHE" the represented entity, and the need to seek answers to the unexplained, the unreachable.

Lyrics (poem)

Fifteen, fourteen, thirteen, twelve, eleven, ten
nine, eight, ignition sequence has started
six, five, four, three, two, one, zero

we have commit and we have a lift off at two thirteen
the saturn five, building up to seven point five million pounds of thrust. I need to clear the tower.

I saw the velvet universe and predicted the expected
and in that moment became clear

The answer to the riddle of the infinite
In terms of man's own dimention
In the sweet madness there's only one way to go
The energy gave to the matter more than you will ever know.

Between words, tears and emotions
The indomitable sense, so impecable
with the omnipresent smile
She painted the emptiness with it's beauty
so as the creator painted her

from the ancient memory they drink the hand of the cold darkeness
the inocent torture, from who watches in silence
from the caos to the quantum equasion infected with semantics
pretending to rebuild the universe
Sleemping a dream, awake

A tenacious explorer of the creation
If there're others burst of radiation
other clouds drifiting across the universe and galaxy
So close to the infinite

but suddenly she, realize she was two ends of the same concept
the unbelivable small, and the unbelivable vast
eventually a gigant circle.

Within the verse and the reverse
whether in concept
Between blackness and depth
conceptual preceps.

So suddenly without understanding the universe
I had presumed upon nature and I felt my essence diwdling
becoming nothing

Therefore a part of the universe
and there comes the acceptance
to all this vast magesty of creation
from the architect to it fraction of billion of a billion of a billion

of the smallest acknowledgment
it had to mean something,
Yes it meant something
My name is Universe, says:

I am yours and your soul is mine

For this composition used:
*Secondllife | http://secondlife.com
*Eveonline | http://eveonline.com
*Universe Sandbox | http://universesandbox.com/

Voiceover by Rysan Fall
Music by Celestial Aeon Project from the Album Miracle - Sunrise - http://www.jamendo.com/en/track/727905

HYBRID .3 (Machinima title sequence) purchased and licensed for this production Elements @ videhives.nethttp://videohive.net/user/elements, all content of this video / the rest of this production is under a license Creative Commons ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (includes the music). 

A big thanks to the UTSA (University of Texas at San Antonio, Artspace http://secondlife.com/destination/utsa-artspace-2), and of course the excellent 3D work by Igor Ballyhoo - Metamorphoses. Also to Inspire Space Parkhttp://secondlife.com/destination/288

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